Your Zumo has a new mission. Your company's building has been taken over by hostile zombies who have chewed through all of the ethernet cables linking your servers' intellectual property to the cloud. Your company is abandoning the facility, but they need you to retrieve some solid state hard drives that contain the company's valuable information. As it turns out, your zumo robot is immune to zombie bites and is quite capable of plowing through crowds of zombies with its trusty front blade.
Since they know you were working on a model of your zumo, they thought you might be able to program it to move through the building autonomously. Specifically, your robot will need to enter the company building from the outside, retrieve the hard drives from the server room, and bring them back outside.
Using a map of the building, you will need to plan out a path for your zumo to follow using 4 "waypoints," each separated by a known distance and a known angle. Luckily, you know that Arduino (and thus Zumo) can keep track of arrays of reference headings and reference distances. Thankfully you also know that you'll be able to control your zumo's speed & distance using feedback control on its encoders, and its yaw rate (angular velocity about the z-axis) by using feedback control on the zumo's gyroscope
Your map of the building might look something like the following figure:
In order to enter the building the Zumo must first get through the automatic doors at the building entrance. The first door is located $0.15m$ from the door's presence sensor and the second door is $0.15m$ past the first door. Your robot will start with the blade just in front of the presence sensor.
For security, the second door opens after the first. Your Zumo will clear both doors if it reaches the first door in 0.9-1.1 seconds after the mission begins, and reaches the second door in 1.8-2.2 seconds after the mission begins. If your robot goes too fast or too slow on the first leg of the journey, it will not make it inside the building!
The zombies learn quickly. By the time the zumo is exiting the building, they will surely have cut the power and jammed the zumo's sensors. That means the last leg (waypoint 2 to 1) will need to be completed with open-loop control. It is important that your zumo returns as closely as possible to your original start position to deliver the hard drive to your team. However, with the power cut the doors will be locked OPEN allow you to leave at any speed you want.
Design a state machine and a set of feedback controllers that employs a user provided array of distances and angles between each waypoint to move the zumo through the building. The state machine will activate appropriate feedback controllers for traveling (straight) to each waypoint, turning to face the next waypoint, and so on. When your Zumo reaches waypoint 4 it will turn around and "retrace its steps" to return to waypoint 1. The doors will be active on your way into the building, but with the power getting cut while you are inside, the doors will simply be held open on your way out.
Your goal should be to complete the mission with maximum accuracy from waypoint to waypoint. Although speed is valued, it should not come at the cost of accuracy, because getting lost in the building will certainly mean an untimely end for your zumo! We will provide practice tracks with "scoring zones" so you can make informed decisions about speed and accuracy. The practice and demonstration day tracks will be 3' x 5' (about the size of your lab benches).
Similarly to project 1, You will be asked to populate a Jupyter "report" notebook that documents your design process & decisions. You will have a bit more to discuss as you have more decisions to make. Some questions you will need to able to answer in your report are:
For this project, you may use the Zumo's gyroscope and wheel encoders to provide distance, velocity, and yaw rate feedback to your feedback controllers. These signals may also be used to trigger state transitions. You may use P(I)(D) control to regulate zumo's position, yaw rate or yaw angle, and velocity during the mission. No other sensors (proximity, line following, compass, etc.) may be used for any reason.
/* This example reads the raw values from the gyro on the Zumo 32U4,
and prints those raw values to the serial monitor.
The gyro readings can be converted to degrees per second (dps)
using the sensitivity specified in the .writeReg() function
shown below. In this example the sensitivity is defaulted to
a maximum reading of 2000 dps. The raw reading from the gyro
is stored in a 15 bit integer with a maximum count value
of 2^15 = 32768.
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Zumo32U4.h>
Zumo32U4IMU imu;
const byte addressDevice = 0x6B; //hexadecimal device address for your IMU chip
const byte addressRegister = 0x23; //hexadecimal register address for dps sensitivity
const byte code245dpsFS = 0x00; //hexadecimal code for 245dps full scale
const byte code500dpsFS = 0x10; //hexadecimal code for 500dps full scale
const byte code2000dpsFS = 0x20; //hexadecimal code for 2000dps full scale
void setup()
// try to initialize the imu and report an error if initialization fails
if (!imu.init())
// Failed to detect the compass.
Serial.println(F("Failed to initialize IMU sensors."));
The function below uses 8-bit codes to identify a device you want to
communicate with, the address on that device you want to write to, and
value you want to store at that address. In our case we are writing
to the LSM6DS33 IMU chip and putting a value for the full scale dps in
the appropriate memory location (or register).
imu.writeReg(addressDevice, addressRegister, code2000dpsFS); //set resolution to 2000dps
void loop()