You have learned a lot of FSM design tools and skills and this challenge will require you implement everything you have learned to date to generate a more advanced control system for the zumo gate. This new control system will make use of the LED and Photodiode detector built into your gate base to detect objects.
Having built your own H-Bridge you have likely encountered the challenges of using a breadboard to create a complicated circuit. It is easy for wires to come loose and accidental connections to be made. Now that you understand the components of an H-Bridge and how to operate it, you can take advantage of the fact H-bridges are commonly packaged into integrated circuit chips.
We have installed one on your workstation. You can find its location in the Hardware Resource: ME 480 Portable Workstation
To begin, REMOVE ALL OF THE COMPONENTS AND WIRES YOU ADDED TO THE BREADBOARD IN LAB 1. All of the connections needed to control the on-board H-Bridge are internal to the PCB.
Disconnect the motor wire connector from the MOTOR 1 socket and move it to the MOTOR 2 socket which is wired through the PCB to the H-bridge chip.
You will be using the DRV8837 chip. The instructions on how to control it with the arduino are described in the Hardware Resource: Motor 2 Driver DRV8837 H-Bridge Chip
Modify your code from Lab 1 that operates the gate to make use of the DRV8837 to drive the motor instead of your hand-built H-Bridge ciruit. Don't change the way the gate operates, just how you control the motor.
When it is working, include your modified code in the cell below (PROPERLY FORMATTED USING THE BACKTICKS).
To meet this week's challenge, we'll need a new type of sensor. Something that can detect the distance of an object without contact. For this challenge you will use a combination of an infrared (IR) LED and a photodiode.
The IR LED is like the green LED on your workstation that illuminates when you apply power. In this case the light produced is not visible as it is in the Infrared (IR) spectrum. But how does and LED work? Similar to transistors, a light emitting diode uses semiconductors but is actually a bit simpler than a transistor.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
We'll use the IR LED as a source to illuminate an object nearby and a photodetector to capture and light reflected by back from the object. **Photodetectors work almost the same as and LED, just in reverse as described below.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The symbols for LEDs and Photodiodes are similar as well. The direction of the arrows, indicating the light either being emitted or absorbed, makes the distinction.
Below is a schematic of the the circuit that is connected to the IR LED and Photodiode installed in your gate module. You don't need to create these circuits. They are already part of your printed circuit board.
For these ciruits, the more light that reaches the photodiode, the more the current will flow "backwards" through the diode (it is made like a diode, it has a symbol like diode, but it behaves differently). As current increases through the 10K resistor, the measured voltage difference across it will increase. The voltage difference can be measured by the arduino using its analog in capability.
Using the Hardware Resource: Arduino Mega Pin Mapping, identify the pin for IR Detector 1. You'll use that pin to measure the voltage difference generated by the photodiode.
Write an arduino program to read the voltage from the photodiode and output the measured voltage to the serial monitor. You'll need to use your Arduino Resource: Common Functions to find a command to read the voltage of an analog input.
With the code running, move an object (your hand or your zumo) closer and further from the sensor and see the range of values. Review the use of Serial Print and capturing data with Realterm in the Arduino Resource notebook.
For quick real-time observation of the behavior, you can show the serial output on the Serial Plotter. The plotter is found in the TOOLS menu of the Arduino software right next to the Serial Monitor. In order to use the plotter, you must format your data to print in columns by printing spaces or tabs in between each number and using Serial.println() to create a new line after each "moment" in time.
Capture a data set which shows the highest voltage the photodiode can return and the voltage that it returns when an object (this can just be your hand) is at the edge of the region of interest (about a gate blade's length). Use the OCTAVE cell below to plot the data. OCTAVE was designed to be similar to MATLAB, so you can use standard MATLAB commands to define a vector, cut/paste the data from the serial monitor into that vector and then generate a plot. Indicate on your plot, or in the code output using the disp()
function, the measured value for each of the two positions you tested and the threshold value you select to allow a boolean variable to represent when something IS or IS NOT below the gate.
error('No Answer Given!')
Put your code in the cell below using the format characters provided in the template.
void setup(){
void loop(){
You will need new programming capability for this challenge and one of those elements is a timer. Adopting the mindset that you should take steps that have managable risk and can be readily assessed for success, it is a fairly large risk to take on the whole challenge along with the addition of new programming tools.
Therefore, to take a step that we can see more clearly and better assess, we use the working gate operation code and add just one element: the basic timer functionality. This way we can focus on understanding and implementing the timer class introduced in W02A FSM TimersCounters: Controller Validation: Arduino Code.
Now modify your gate code so that the when the gate is down and the button is pressed, it waits 1 second before it raises.
Once your timer is working, add a counter so the number of times the gate activates the upper limit switch is displayed on the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). Sample code to display on the LCD is shown in your W02A FSM TimersCounters: Controller Validation: Arduino Code.
Once your code with the timer and counter is working, enter your PROPERLY FORMATTED code in the cell below.
Place a link to a video showing the operation of the timer and counter in the cell below.
Using the validated model of your emitter/detector and your validated knowledge of timers/counters, design, implement and test a controller that meets the design criteria described in the fixed assumptions of the challenge.
Include in the cell below a copy of your completed Arduino code in the cell below (Properly Formatted).
Upload a video of your working gate FSM and provide the link to the video in the cell below.
With the state transition logic working for your gate controller, an additional assumption is added by request of the customers for your gate system. They do not like how the gate's speed is not consistent between opening and closing. You can see the difference in the time it takes to complete each movement. Therefore, you need to modify your code to be consistnt with the following additional fixed assumption
Save your existing code and create a copy to modify. Change the code in any way you see fit to approximate as best as possible a constant velocity rotation up and down with as little bounce at the limit switches as is possible.
In the cell below, explain your approach to generating a constant velocity gate arm motion.
Include in the cell below a copy of your PROPERLY FORMATTED updated Arduino code.
Upload a video that demonstrates the effectiveness of your velocity control and provide a link in the cell below.